BTT RRF Wifi v1.0 Module


BTT RRF Wifi v1.0 Module

Regular price $15.00 CAD
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  • Added web interface that allows much better control of the printer. You can install the Duet firmware for SKR boards and run the RepRap Firmware on SKR V1.3/ SKR V1.4.
  • 【Easy and Convenient】Can edit the firmware configuration in the web interface, eliminating the need of constantly flashing the board when you do major changes.
  • 【Using More Silent Frivers】Use the Duet Fiemware for SKR boards, can using more silent drivers likes the TMC2208 and TMC2209.
  • 【Can Easily Backup and Restore Firmware】The firmware and all the configurations live on the SD card, so it's easy to copy the contents to another printer if needed.