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Box Turtle Multi Color & Material Kit by LDO
BoxTurtle is an open-source, AMS-style filament changer designed specifically for Klipper-based 3D printers. It aims to provide users with an experience similar to an AMS (Automatic Material System) on standard Klipper setups, making multi-material printing accessible across a variety of machines.
BoxTurtle Takes advantage of the AFC-Klipper Add-On, which enhances filament control within Klipper and can be found linked in the setup resources. With a particular focus on compatibility with VORON Design printers, BoxTurtle brings AMS-like functionality to any Klipperized printer, regardless of form factor, offering a streamlined and versatile solution for advanced filament management in the Klipper ecosystem.
Smooth and powerful LDO pancake motors
Comes with AFC-Lite board works with both USB and CAN
Premium Anodized Extrusions for frame in black, blue and Gray
Easy to order and arrived quickly. Printed all the parts necessary for the build prior to its arrival which meant we could start building once it arrived. Haven’t had a chance to hook it up yet but build went smoothly!